Serving God, the community and our neighbors for more than 100 years
The people of Linden Heights have been serving our neighbors in Parkville, Carney and beyond since 1914. We celebrated our Centennial anniversary with a party, and a commitment mission each month in the anniversary year and beyond. Join in giving thanks for all that God has done and is doing for each person every day! For up-to-date news on community happenings at Linden Heights United Methodist Church, click here or on the “Linden Letter” image below. Come and be a part of this community of love and service!

  • Elementary Youth Group
  • Handbell Choir
  • Men’s Bible Study
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Young Adult Bible Study
  • Youth Group

Elementary Youth Group

            Our Kids Group meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3 pm. These elementary school children gather for for games, Bible study, snack, and crafts.


Handbell Choir

Come Ring Handbells!! We currently meet on Thursdays at 6pm from September through June. We have a three-octave choir of handbells and hand chimes. Contact for more information

Men’s Bible Study


Vacation Bible School


Young Adult Bible Study

            Bible Study for college aged adults is held most Sundays during the school year at 4:30 pm.

Youth Group

Our Youth Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm. This group of middle and high school students gathers for games, snacks, Bible study, and service to the community.