United Methodists continue to pray and respond to the war now being waged in Ukraine. On February 24, Russian military forces invaded Ukraine, causing hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. US government aid officials report that the people of Ukraine have been caught in the middle of conflict for nearly eight years, and there are currently 2.9 million in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

To assist in these efforts individuals and congregations are encouraged to give to The United Methodist Community on Relief (UMCOR) International Response and Recovery fund (Advance #982450 )

On the ground in this region, the Ukraine UMC has created a crisis committee that will oversee all the global support that is coming in through UMCOR’s Advance #14053A Eurasia In Mission Together – Ukraine and Moldova.” The money channeled through this Advance fund will go to the Ukraine UMC church account and decisions on how this will be used will be considered by the crisis committee, which includes pastors as well as lay leaders.